Monday, 19 July 2010

OCD & Islam .. vision of muslim patient

Islam is the religion of one and half billion across the globe, Muslims are spread in the six content of the world.

OCD as any neurotic disorder is affected by the environment and demographic circumstances which help in shaping the symptoms of patient and one of these major factors is religious background.

Numbers and sequencing are very crucial in Islamic ritual, muslims have nearly specific procedure for everything in daily life and have minimal number of tasks that they must not miss, for example muslims pray five times a day , fast in specific time in the year (Ramadan month in the Hijri Calendar) .

These rituals in addition to forbidden things create the religious background for Muslim patient and his/her delusions start to evolve creating ideas different from the perception of OCD patient in western societies.

From the examples of the delusions that may attack Muslim is making mistake in any of his/her ritual procedure or forgetting whether he/she made any of his/her religious rituals, also bad thoughts about Allah or prophets may find way to his mind and put him/her in deep grief.

Metaphysics may create severe delusions specially in illiterate societies .

It is important for any psychiatrist or therapist dealing with Muslim patient to be aware of this as the easiest way for getting these delusion out of this person head is to let him know that his/her religion is flexible and by understanding it's correct rules he/she will be able to deal with forgetting their rituals, mistakes in doing it, with weird thoughts and metaphysics fears


  1. I’m posting this link as it might help the sufferers and their family members understand OCD better, in sha’ Allah.

  2. Thanks a lot for this and i wish i could help with these small words in sha' Allah.

    Gazak Allah kheir :)
